Trail B is a boutique consultancy focused exclusively on the social impact sector.

Our mission:

To discover new paths to social impact

Our Founder

Scott Benson has over two decades of experience working across the social impact sector. Over that time, Scott has worked closely with hundreds of visionary leaders. He draws energy from their belief in the possible, which is what inspires him to continue this work today at Trail B.

When he’s not working, Scott enjoys running on trails and roads, playing tennis, and taking family trips.

Why “Trail B”?

Trail A is the well-trodden path; it’s familiar and accessible. But you may find that this path does not always lead you to the impact you seek.

Trail B is a different and less obvious path to the impact you seek. To reach it, you will have to venture into the unknown and blaze a new trail.

Just remember that you don’t have to find this path on your own. Sometimes it can be helpful to have a partner on the journey.

Selected Clients

We have worked with a wide range of organizations across the social impact space, including: